Friday, October 12, 2012

A special wedding!! - Photo: Yochai Wolfin

A real once-in-a-lifetime wedding! - Meital and Izzy
Don't let the "Punk" look fool you. That was the dress up subject and people took it very seriously as you can see. Dressed up like punks but no one acted like one!
Bottom line -  "Fun was had by all" !!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sukkot party at "Gan-Rimon" - photo: Miriam Kendall

Tradition is followed as Gan Rimon opens it's gates for grandparents to celebrate Sukkot with their grandchildren

All good things come to an end (of the season) - Photo: Miriam Kendall

Thanks be to all who made this little paradise possible. 

Will be seeing you-all next summer to be sure

Monday, September 24, 2012

The good old "ASEFA" again!

A general meeting of more than 100 members!! Just like the good(?) old times.
Subject? I'll give you one guess......
Right - Shiuch Dirot !

Note: After a break of several months, I'll be posting stuff here again. Hopefully others will too (This picture taken with a Galaxy S3 smartphone)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Rosh Hashana. The MIDRACHOV - Photo: Miriam Kendall

The annual celebration of the street festival (The MIDRACHOV).
A Rosh Hashana festival

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Shavuot - by Ronit Barak

חג שבועות תעשה לך
מכל שכבות הגיל
... מגיל העמידה

 ועד גיל הקפיצה  

Friday, May 4, 2012

After attack on Shani

Small picture:- Lights go up in the park
Large picture:- Demonstration in Rosh-Pina after attack on Shani

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lights go up after park attack - David E.

אחרי המתקפה הברוטאלית על שני, ואחרי שנים של גניבות וחבלות, מקימים סוף סוף תחילתה של הגנה כלשהי. בשלב ראשון חפירות לעמודי תאורה (כאן בתמונה) בתקווה שזה ירתיע נבלות

After the brutal attack on Shani last Friday and after many years of privacy breaches, mainly stealing, we have finally started getting our security together.
In this pix we see preps for putting up light poles. Hope it has some effect.